AI Echo For Mitral Regurgitation

AI Echo for Mitral Regurgiation

In the US and Europe, Mitral Regurgitation (MR) is the most common valvular heart disease.  It is very difficult to grade MR, but it is extremely important because the more severe the MR is, the worse the prognosis for patients. Unfortunately, using echocardiograms and other modalities to grade MR they is very cumbersome, lengthy and inaccurate.  AI could offer us an opportunity to have a much more accurate and more efficient way to grade MR.

Ai Echo Results For Mr Severity Grading
See video for AI Echo Results on MR Severity Grading

This analysis was extremely fast.  In 80 seconds we were able to provide a whole analysis of the mitral regurgitation severity.  It was also very feasible…99% of the echos could be analyzed with this algorithm.

When we looked at how accurate we were at detecting significant mitral regurgitation, we had an accuracy of 93%, which is extremely high.

See the video or download the study.